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Transnational Project Meetings

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Transnational Project Meeting


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The opening meeting of the “Youth in E-Commerce Ecosystem Project” program carried out within the scope of Erasmus+ was held in Skopje, the capital of North Macedonia, hosted by Yunus Emre Institute. Our project participants visited Halkbank, TIKA (Turkish Cooperation and Development Agency), Turkish Maarif Foundation, and International Balkan University within the scope of the project activity carried out in North Macedonia. Dr. Doğuş Yüksel, Head of E-Commerce and Marketing Department of Ostim Technical University, made a presentation on “Historical Process of E-Commerce in Turkey”. On the first day of the 2-day meeting held in Skopje, Macedonia, with the participation of 2 representatives from each partner organization; first, all partners met face to face. First, our project was introduced, the Erasmus+ program was explained to our other partners, and each partner conveyed the activities of their own institution. Presentations were made about e-commerce policies and successful stories in the countries of our partners. Brainstorming sessions were held on the needs of our partners’ target audiences and how to encourage young people to become entrepreneurs. The planning of other activities of our project was done and a short city tour was carried out by introducing Macedonian culture. Institutions such as TIKA, Yunus Emre Institute, Maarif Foundation, International Balkan University were visited and our project was introduced.

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